Friday, February 8, 2013

Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church
You know, some stuff you just can not make up.  If you did make it up, no one would believe you because it is just too fanciful.

Well here you have it my friends, truth that is stranger than fiction.

Vladimar Putin:  16 year veteran of the KGB, that notoriously orthodox (in their systematic persecution of all things not "communist") group of upstanding and respectful men and women, current President of Russia (if only in his own mind and his own ballot box), respecter of human rights (who was Alexander Litvinenko?) and all around good guy has found religion.

Not only has he found religion, but religion has found him.  Patriarch Krill and Putin exchange .  Warm and fuzzy is the best way to describe it.

The relationship between God and man starts at forgiveness.  But it does not exclude repentance, contrition and atonement.  The church's responsibility is to stand for these truths.  I do not see Putin's repentance, contrition or acknowledging a need for forgiveness and atonement, nor do I see the church holding him accountable.  While the two of them may have some sort of religion going on,  I think I just lost mine.

Then I wonder, it true, or maybe a political fiction.

I think I just got my religion back.

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