Monday, January 21, 2013

Liberals corrupt, Conservatives are idiots and society let's them get away with it.

     Words have meaning.  How about that for a revelation?
     Do you remember telling a sibling or a friend, "Give it back!".  Why did you say it in the first place?  Because they took something from you.  The did not borrow it or exchange for it, whatever it is, they simply took it.
     Now, what happens when we drop the pronoun "it".  Does it change the meaning or the intent of "Give it back"?  No.  "Give back" in a normative, historical and grammatical sense still conveys the same message as "Give it back".  "Give back" is just vague in the sense of what was originally taken.  "It" could be a ball, piece of candy or a baseball card in the context of our younger years.  In fact, younger children with less developed language skills will say "Give back" instead of "Give it back".
     So, it makes me wonder, why are conservatives such idiots?  Why do they integrate the misuse of language into their speech?  And by consequence, reinforce an idea that is completely, I said completely, antithetical to the principles of freedom and liberty?
     How many times have you heard a purported conservative, usually a successful business person say, "I want to give back to the community", or something similar?  Stop, and think about the presupposition that is the foundation for that statement.  They are saying, "I took something".
     There are only two groups of people that take from others:  Criminals and politicians.  Some may lump them both into one group; criminals.  I will be kind.
     Every time someone says that want to "give back" they are stating that they are a thief.  
     To say "I want to give back" is to reinforce an idea that is held by the Statist left:  Only through luck, coercion, deceit and trickery can an individual be successful in the world today.  Accordingly, success can not come from innovation, hard work, determination ect.  Success is stolen and the State must correct it.
     For the most part, social theorist, or more specifically epistemologist (those who study the meaning of knowledge) are leftist leaning Statists.  Nonetheless, they can and do stumble upon ideas that are "spot on".  Michael Foucault is one of them.  He stumbled across the idea of "language is oppression".  The idea would be described as follows:

that language functions in such a way as to render nonsensical, false or silent tendencies that might otherwise threaten or undermine the distributions of power backing a society's conventions - even when such distributions purport to celebrate liberation and expression or value minority groups and perspectives.(taken directly from Wikipedia)

Next time you hear someone say "I want to give back" 
ask them what they stole and who did they steal it from and see what happens.

If you don't think you are questioning the "power backing" of Statist thought you are wrong.  Statist have corrupted the language and conservatives have let them and de facto are encouraging false beliefs.

One more reason I am a libertarian.

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